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Instructions for the use of bird-proof nets and installation schemes for bird-proof nets

Article source: WUHU popularity:1086 Time of publication:2019-01-12

  Bird nets are used as a net on top of a vineyard or orchard, and a purse seine around the vineyard.

When installing the sky net, first fix the frame net wire, generally tie the wooden bracket above the cement column of the vineyard, and then connect it with iron wire at the top to form a large mesh of warp and weft lines, and then put Bird nets on it from one end, and there should be sag when building Bird nets between each warp and weft line, so that it is convenient to pull to the corresponding width when pulling apart, if Bird nets are synthesized into a line straightened on top, if Bird When the length of nets is relatively long, it is not easy to pull apart, so 15 meters wide can not be pulled 15 meters wide, may only be 7 meters to 8 meters wide, this is the detail that everyone should pay attention to when building Bird nets.


  It's like sagging between the two wire warp threads, depending on how much they hang under the circumstances, otherwise the mesh of Bird nets cannot be pulled square, and the width of the application cannot be pulled.

This should be built according to the actual situation of the plot to build Bird nets brackets, and the net should be laid as convenient as possible when laying Bird nets.

The length of the wooden stick tied between the cement columns can be 2 pillars, which is determined according to the distance between your own pillars, otherwise the sagging of the Bird nets will affect the fruit growth of the fruit tree.

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Email: haianhuwei@vip.163.com      QQ:458834100
Add:No.55 Zhennan Road, Jiaoxie Town, Haian City, Jiangsu Province, China  
NANTONG WUHU ROPE&NET CO.,LTD. All rights reserved
  Technical support:TAISHAN

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